News - Unix On Econet |
 | DTP from Computer Concepts, plus the latest on the BBC Acorn User Show. |
Customer Hotline |
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Comms Column |
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Education News |
 | £4m from DTI helps schools buy much needed hardware. |
Noticeboard |
 | Details of next month's BBC Acorn User, results of December's Mega Music competition and the June dates for your diary. |
Reader Service |
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Blunderbox |
 | Corrections to the PrtSc utility from the August 1988 issue. |
Ball Of Mirrors - Richard Browning |
 | Throw some light on the complex subject of ray tracing to create some realistic 3D graphics. |
Question Time - Joe Telford |
 | How can you use your BBC micro sensibly when conducting a survey? Discovering the answer and showing some neat ways of presenting the results of a questionnaire. |
Data Get Going - Simon Hewitt |
 | The Psion Organiser is the most portable of any computer, but its size can be a drawback as well as an advantage. How wiring it up to your BBC micro may overcome this and help you get going. |
Arithmetic On The Dot - Tim Chappell |
 | Concluding this look at floating points on the Archimedes and showing how to put constants in your programs. |
School Report - Chris Drage and Nick Evans |
 | A round up of the best educational software for the classroom and the home. |
Games Page - Sam Greenhill |
 | Scanning the software market and presenting the latest and most interesting catalogue of games releases. |
Games Reviews |
 | Our games fanatics provide the lowdown on Tank Attack, the battleship board-game from CDS. Plus there's Superman and Circus Games the long awaited duo from Tynesoft. |
Thrifty Threesome - Graham Bell |
 | Three low-cost printers prove that nine pins are enough. |
DOS Solutions - Dave Futcher |
 | Shibumi's Problem Solver gives the Master 512 and easier life. |
Picture Perfect? - Sean Solle |
 | Art critic to Kathy Lewis' Pro Artisan masterpieces. |
Reader Survey |
 | Tell us what you'd like to see in BBC Acorn User. |
Hints And Tips - David Atherton |
 | Drawing in mode 7, a Basic line editor and utilities for the Beeb and Elk. |
Arc Agora - David Acton |
 | Introducing a keystrip routine that will also run on your Master, and how to speed up our ROMs and provide easy text editing . |
Yellow Pages |
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Letters |
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Advertisers's Index |
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Acorn Abusers' Diary |
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Reader Offers |
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