First Byte |
 | Two features to show you how those bland looking listings turn into exciting screen action. |
First Byte - Flying Start - Tessie Revivis |
 | You too can achieve elementary animation effects with her 'Fly in the Sky' program, and take the first step in orchestration of sound as a screen star is born.. |
First Byte - Para zone - Michael Why |
 | The Paranoids drop in and the don't look friendly! As you pick them off you'll also pick up a lot about the techniques of programming procedures. |
Hints and Tips - Martin Phillips |
 | Gives readers a helping hand with advice on keeping control of a scrolling listing; when to use brackets; random numbers from string functions; VDU commands; handling numbers; checks for disc drive and printer; ribbon economy; cassette care; and when to switch off. |
Letters |
 | Piracy and protection, copying ROM, the big joke in the land of Oz, Break key side effects, computers in adult literacy - all in a batch of lively reader reaction. |
Dear Kitty |
 | Toughest problem for the newcommer is all this jargon. Kitty cuts a path through the undergrowth. Why those extraordinary symbols? What are sideways ROMs and RAMs? |
Nucleus Power - John Vaux |
 | JV moves onto the Nucleus system generator, which allows a company to create its own menu based programs. he studies the languages and delivers his verdict on the whole second processor package. |
Accountability - Paul Beverley |
 | Also rounded up - Acornsoft's business suite of programs, with a review of the two accounts packages for the small company. |
Problem-solving - Joe Telford |
 | Has something for the young user. Six things, in fact: problems. But nothing that can't be solved with a bit of clear thinking ... and programming. |
Smart operators - Barry Pickles |
 | Clears the computerspeak away from the Atom's indirection operators query (?) and pling (!) and explains the simple logic behind them. |
Atom Forum - Barry Pickles |
 | Text processor for Base-2 printers, single stepping through a machine code program with a VIA fitted, a FILL command, and a wire-frame Acorn. |
Torch Unicorn - Andrew Cummings and Peter Voke More... |
 | Torch;s Unicorn system on trial: with its 16-bit and Z80 processors, 20MB hard disc drive plus floppy drive it opens up the Unix environments to the Beeb. |
Alternative keyboard - Peter Voke |
 | Report on Microwriter's Beeb specific Quinkey. Is the the keyboard revolution at hand? |
Parfitt Plotter |
 | Exclusive review of the Parfitt plotter. Chris Steele sees an educational role for this bare bones, economy machine. |
Games |
 | 1984, Incentives government simulation; Cylon Attack and Chuckie Egg by A and F; Overdrive, Hunchback and Battletank from Superior; Dallas from Cases; Fortress from Pace and hailed as a classic this month; Frak by Aardvark. |
Utility software |
 | Salamander's Turbo Compiler, and the three in one pack Multi-Aid, by Dynabyte. |
Educational software |
 | System software's Titrations; text handling with Daco's The Storyline and ABC letter association program Alphabet from Opalsoft. |
The News |
 | The law that could revolutionise teletext, the thoughts of chairman Curry, new deal for the Electron - plus the latest on the Acorn User Show. |
Competition |
 | Mad Alex dabbles in amicable numbers. Work out the right combination and a Cummana disc drive could be yours. Three drives to be won worth £580. |
Back issues |
 | Check them out and order yours. |
Acorn User software |
 | Two great games plus all Acorn User's listings on a tape. |
Beeb Forum - Bruce Smith |
 | Clever wheezes from readers; Wordwise copies at a keystroke; green screen characters; fastest dump in the West; and teletext editing on screen. |
DFS OSWORD II - George Hill |
 | Create your own disc formatter with a little help from George. |
How it works - Paul Beverley and Nigel Eames |
 | A quest for a better random number generator. |
Top 20 software |
 | Spectacular leaps among the best selling games. |
User groups |
 | Where to make friends. |
Free ads |
 | Readers buy, sell and swap hardware. |
Small ads |
 | |
Acorn Abuser's Diary |
 | Railings, rumours and ridicule. |
The site and all its contents copyright Acorn Publisher.