First Byte |
 | Confused by the keyboard? Bamboozled by listings? Turned off by envelopes? First Byte aims to solve these problems. |
First Byte - 1 - Tessie Revivis |
 | Explains how to get your fingers tapping, and produces a program to write programs. |
First Byte - 2 - Martin Phillips |
 | Tests you on how well you can find and correct faults on listings - with simple, step-by step examples. |
First Byte - 3 - Gary Pesticcio and Darran Bristow |
 | Three tunes which shows what can be done with a bit of sound and data. |
Hints and Tips - Martin Phillips |
 | Queries from readers answered, include ; adding a second disc drive, using Wordwise with Epson printers, changing colours, using the cursor - and avoiding memory problems when running tape programs on disc machines. |
Letters |
 | Second processors and ROMS, GOSUBs versus procedures, bugs in July's Inspect program, serial printers and the Atom. Electrons in Australia, 6502 op codes and high scores for games all demand our readers' attention in this month's postbag. |
Dear Kitty... |
 | What do people actually do with computers? Are computers a passing fad? Do users know what they're talking about? Kitty answers the questions that aren't as simple as they might sound. |
Plan for business - John Vaux |
 | JV introduces the Plan series of packages with Acorn's Z80 second processor: a spreadsheet for financial calculations; wordprocessor; and a 'card index' database. |
Teaching toddlers - Joe Telford |
 | JT takes his Jottings home to explain how even two year olds can use the micro - with the help of parents overlays. |
Zoo-time for micros - Susan Kingsbury |
 | A simple activity board to entertain, educate and delight children. She uses it to take children to the zoo, but the applications are endless. |
Atom Forum - Barry Pickles |
 | Teletext displays, op-codes,disc drives, Wordpack in the Epson. |
Avoiding errors - Vincent Fojut |
 | How left justification helps you cope with typing mistakes. |
Books |
 | Hardware guide from Wise Owl, BBC in education by Eric Deeson, assembly language by John Ferguson and Tony Shaw, databases in schools by Derrick Daines. |
Education software - Geoff Nairn |
 | Slick from BP Educational software, and The Examiner from Acornsoft. |
Micronet Software - Bill Penfold |
 | Our views on a software enhancement from Micronet. |
Picture makers - Dee Vince |
 | Three drawing and painting packages from Acornsoft, Beebsoft and Goldstar are compared. |
Games |
 | Stock Car from Micropower, Airline from CES, Hopper from Acornsoft, Frenzy from Micropower. |
Versatile interface - Paul Beverley |
 | So many applications for MCP Microdevelopment's Interbeeb that he doesn't know where to begin... |
The News |
 | Concern over Acorn's role in education, The Times set to launch schools database, BBC micros in India, Acorn User Exhibition. |
Beeb Forum - Bruce Smith |
 | Some of your pertinent ideas - plus 6502 second processor and Tube tips from Robin Newman. |
How it works - Paul Beverley |
 | Random numbers and how to make them better. |
Competition |
 | Solve the message from Mad Alex and you could win a Torch Unicomm worth £180. |
Top 20 Software |
 | The ups and downs among the games sellers, plus our Soft Options round-up of new releases. |
Readers' Pictures |
 | Can you rival Malcolm Banthorpe's Coke can? If so, there's a spot for you in Micro Gallery where readers display their art - and win software prizes. |
Acorn Abuser's Diary |
 | Find out who wants to sue us this month.. could it be the Someday Times? |
The site and all its contents copyright Acorn Publisher.