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Issue 22 : May 1984

Issue 22 cover

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The News
First glimpse of the Electron add-on box; the year of the modem; software houses woo database users; Beeb gets a microdrive; the great data protection muddle; new TV series could be live!
Top 20 Software
First non-games package enters the charts.
Acorn Abuser's Diary
Scurrilous tales and wicked whispers.
Bitstik flair - Robin Mudge More...
Review of the system that puts proffessional CAD within your grasp.
Hints and Tips - Martin Phillips
This month the column covers monitors, menus and printers.
Second Processor - Clive Williamson More...
CW catches up with the hi-speed 6502.
Lisp part III - Stan Froco
In concluding his three-part course, SF presents a simple picture drawing system.
Beeb Forum - Robin Newman
Shares his insights into OS calls.
Space Shuffle
Fresect is a disc utility that keeps track of available storage space.
Joe's Jottings - Joe Telford
Telford puts his pub hours to good use and turns his Beeb into a sober statistician.
Graphics - Duncan Ferguson
Catch the doodle bug and see how your patterns grow.
OSWORD - George Hill
A beginners guide to the DFS read/write command, with example procedures.
Fantatsic Four - Simon Hancock
A quirky quartet of colour graphics programs.
Economy Drive - David Graham
DG leads you through the bargaib basement of used and surplus disc drives.
Education - Robin Ward
How can teachers and user group leaders ensure that girls get a fair share of the computer action?
Atom Forum - Barry Pickles
Converting numbers and a morse coder for radio hams.
Atom Basic - Barry Pickles
Second part of the conversion kit for translating Basics.
Win £1100 word processing system! All Simon Dally wants you uo do is count to a million on your micro.
Edword - Chris Drage
CF puts the educational WP package to the classroom test.
Sprite generators - Simon Williams
Four packages are compared.
Aviator's Life - Dee Vince
With Acornsoft's Spitfire simulator DV us really flying.
Adventures - Stuart Menges and Peter Voke
A look at the latest releases.
Grafpad - Malcolm Banthorpe
MB traces the finer points of British Micro's graphics tablet.
Opus microdrive - Bruce Smith
A quiet little performer, the Super3.
Plus ECCE's Atomload, 'Canyon' -and Paul Beverley arm-wrestles the the Beasty.
You write - about piracy, machine code, chess, Buzzbox; and the Beeb's business potential.
Readers' free ads
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Yellow Pages Extra
Noises Off, Heaven's Date, OSWORD, Graphics, Shapes, Joe's listings, User Groups, Atom Rom Routines.

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