The News |
 | Electron ROMs, Healthnet for doctors, Micronet shake-up, IBM compatibility for BBC. |
Top 20 Software |
 | Serious games ahead! Plus- whats new for the ELK? |
Acorn Abuser's Diary |
 | Tig the pig, Yossa and skeletons in this month's scurrilous micro cupboard. |
News feature |
 | Simon ELsom on what copyright means for micros. |
Hints and Tips - Martin Phillips |
 | Roll up your sleeves for projects to build your own computer tidy and carrycase. |
Techniques - Stan Froco |
 | Useful structures for disc-stored databases are balanced binary trees. |
Beeb Forum - George Hill |
 | A tape-to-disc transfer for all types of prgrams. |
Software offers |
 | Two good-value Acorn User games- Plus all the listings in this issue on cassette! |
Competition - Simon Dally |
 | Win a Sidewise ROM board and four ROMs (or other prizes) in SD's Riddle of the Ritz. |
Letters |
 | Service from software houses, 'sideways' copying, programs for the aged, testing monitors, and disc standards. |
Readers' free ads |
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Small ads |
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Z80 Second Processor More... |
 | We report on the Z80 business bundle. |
Forth - Paul Garfield |
 | Why this language could make a useful extension to your programmin repertoire. |
On the Cards - Alan Samuels |
 | AS picks a card game to demonstrate how grpahics can brighton up the play. |
Soft Pottery - Malcolm Banthorpe |
 | MB conducts a pottery lesson. |
Speed and Space - Gary Smallridge |
 | How to quicken your pace and save memory space in Basic programming. |
Tape Loader - John Bexon |
 | An accurate and rapid search and load routine for Electron and Beeb. |
How it works - Paul Beverley |
 | In a new series PB takes the lid off the Beeb and Electron to investigate their inner workings. In part 1 he monitors a program as it runs. |
Train Game - Martin Philips |
 | MP puts you on the right track. |
Business - Barry Pickles |
 | BP eases the forward thinking businessman gently into office computerisation - Plus reviews of business packages from Acornsoft and Gemini. |
Education - Jonathan Read |
 | JR airs his views on how the micro should be used in adult literacy classes and Martin Wallis testa mixed suite of mathematics programs. |
Atom Lister - Vincent Fojut |
 | Manipulating and dumping Atom programs on the BBC micro has many advantages. |
Atom Forum - Barry Pickles |
 | Looks at the new 6502 instruction set - Plus AtomBasic bugs, random numbers, sideways scrolling. |
Reviews - Chris Drage |
 | Four monitors are given close scrutiny using a test program. |
Games |
 | Under review this month: Lunar Rescue, JCB Digger, Ghouls and Dodg'em. |
Printers - George Hill |
 | Cannon PW1080A NLQ and the Sanple Daisy Step 2000 economy daisywheel. |
New books |
 | Our verdict on three puzzle compendiums, David Leby's Computer Gamesmanship and BBC Basic for Beginners. |
Adventures |
 | How does Stuart Menges make out in Lost City and Colditz Adventure. |
EPROM programmer - Bruce Smith |
 | BS blows his own on Softlifes EPROM programmer. |
Yellow Pages Extra |
 | Hints and Tips, Beeb Forum, Card Graphics, 3d Graphics, Tape loader, Hardware, Screen test. |
The site and all its contents copyright Acorn Publisher.