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Issue 56 : March 1987

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Hints and Tips - Martin Phillips
Getting the best from databases, plus printing.
First Byte - Tessie Revivis
Tessie on assembler, examining flags in more detail.
Artificial Thinking - David Johnson-Davies
Guest editor for this issue David on progress in artificial intelligence and the philosophical questions it raises.
Intelligent Programs - David Deutsch
Three programs which illustrate the AI art.
Telford's Trivia - Joe Telford
Joe has written a program which generates a question and answer session. Supply your own trivia.
Processed Programs - David Atherton
David's series on the Compact continues by using the View wordprocessor to help with programming.
The Pupil Interface - Chris Drage and Nick Evans
The keyboard and screen link us with the computer, but to children they can be barriers. Other methods exist.
Games Reviews
Ravenskull, an arcade adventure, and Computer Hits 10 Volume 3.
The Games Page, with news and the promised Repton 2 maps.
Games Reviews
Reviews of Cholo, US Drag Racing and Thunderstruck 2.
Software Review
Mini Office 2 is good value and versatile, but can it hold enough?
Software Review
BBC's Picture Craft tested by the intended users - children.
Software Review
Chalice's Mega_ROM has a wide range of utilities but no basic editor.
Hardware Review - Benjamin Rietti More...
A 65C02 second processor from PMS for just £99 - half what Acorn charge.
Education News
The latest for Acorns in schools and colleges.
Subscription offer
Acorn Forum
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Utilities/Help discs
Favourite discs and cassettes
Yellow Pages
Games Charts
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Acorn Abuser's Diary

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