News |
 | Talks on European micro standard, Acorn announces 128k BBC B+ for Christmas; Cumana's 16-bit processor launched; Opus' easy disc upgrade package. |
Hints and tips - Martin Phillips |
 | Martin explains what a printer driver is and why you need one; how to choose a disc drive; and tricks to create 'front pages' for software. |
Maths in motion - Michael St Aubyn |
 | Lissajous patterns - the loops formed on an oscilloscope - are easy to produce on the BBC micro. |
Video show - Malcolm Banthorpe |
 | Malcolm shows you how to manipulate video pictures and reviews a digitiser for the Beeb. |
Tempting tesselations - Jim McGregor and Alan Watt |
 | Produce these jigsaw like patterns with our expert help and advice. |
Artful Freehand - Chris Steele |
 | Chris extends his Freehand painting program to allow you to manipulate the images you've created on screen. |
Musical Mule - Joe Telford |
 | How to build an interpreter and compiler for music, plus details of how the technique works. |
View to a program - Ashley Oliver |
 | Ashley's listing allows you to write machine code programs in View to make editing easy. |
Business news |
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CP/M corner - Edward Brown and Richard Clements |
 | More of your and their ideas for making the most of the Z80. |
Education news |
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Graphic examples - Chris Drage and Nick Evans |
 | Chris and Nick look at some of the graphics software that's about for use in schools. |
Education reviews |
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Trouble free timetabling - Nick Evans |
 | Options and Blockfit could be a boon to teachers who have to fit pupils choices of subject into a workable timetable. |
Games |
 | Shanghai from Software Express; Knight Lore by Ultimate; Icon's Contraption; Boffin from Addictive; Chicane by Kempston; and Consilidated's SIM are put to the test by our team of quick-fingered reviewers. |
Compiler comparison - Bruce Smith |
 | Bruce helps you choose between Pineapple Software's Compiler, Accelerator from Computer Concepts and Logik Engineer's BCOMP. |
Monitored - Chris Drage |
 | Chris gives nine monitors a screen test and George Hill takes a look at the Microvitec Cub 653. |
More for mice |
 | Utilities and Desk software for the AMX mouse are tested. |
EPROMERs on parade - Simon Williams |
 | Three EPROM programmers are put through their paces. |
Acornsoft's Basic Editor |
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Hardware round-up |
 | Our guide to where to find hardware reviews in back issues. |
Notice and blunderbox |
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Letters |
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Dear Kitty |
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Competition |
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User RAM offer |
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Graphics cassette offer |
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UserDUMP offer |
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Monthly listings cassette and disc |
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Bar code reader offer |
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Beeb forum |
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Atom forum |
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Software chart |
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Free ads |
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Acorn Abuser's Diary |
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The site and all its contents copyright Acorn Publisher.