News |
 | Acorn User hits back at Micronet story; ups and downs at Acorn; Sinclair sees himself in the Mirror; MEP fears for funding; and commercial radio to launch nationwide radio programme. |
Hints and Tips - Martin Phillips |
 | Martin takes up the wordprocessing theme revealing what the Wordwise Plus manual doesn't tell you and then serves up an automatic disc menu. |
First Byte - Tessie Revivis |
 | A unified style of presentation of program listings in magazines makes everyone's life easier. Tessie presents her guidelines. |
Be Converted - Neil Gordon |
 | Neil shows you how to transfer Wordwise programs to Basic or Basic programs to Wordwise, making editing easier. |
Automatic View - David Andrews |
 | Add some useful utilities to your View operations with this suite of programs. |
Wise Words - Patrick Quick |
 | Patrick drops some hints about Wordwise - based on hours of frustration and hair tearing - Bruce Smith tips you off about View. |
Run Silent - Phil Martin |
 | Play Phil's deep sea game where you must locate the submarine and destroy it! |
Games on CP/M - Edward Brown |
 | The Z80 is for fun as well as business. Edward runs through the games available for CP/M. |
CP/M Corner - Edward Brown and Richard Clement |
 | A bumper bundle of advice for CP/M users. |
Domesday draws nearer - Geoff Nairn |
 | Geoff reports on how schools are responding to the BBC's project to produce a new version of the Domesday book- 900 years on. |
Project Christopher - Mary Sargent |
 | Christopher is a severely handicapped four year old. Mary tells how two BBC micros have changed his life. |
Pots of paints - Martin Phillips |
 | Martin fills you in with part two of his Easyplot graphics package, and show you how to use it with your own programs. |
ROM relocation - Peter Higginbotham |
 | Peter shares the secrets of running ROMs on the second processor. |
Atom Forum - Mike Barwise |
 | Mike deals with Atomic Overflow Control among this month's projects. |
Review roundup - Bruce Smith |
 | Our easy to use index to the hardware we've reviewed over the past year. |
Games |
 | Labyrinth from Acornsoft, Repton from Superior, Icon's Drain Mania and Bug Eyes, Durell's Combat Lynx, and Duck! from Firebird. |
Solidisk's low cost DDFS - Chris Drage |
 | Chris gives his verdict. |
Printer speed trials - George Hill |
 | Your printer bench test results have been flooding in. |
Music machine - Peter Wood |
 | With Ultravox's Chris Cross sound out Island Logic's Music System software. |
Software |
 | Acornsoft's Micros in Business demonstration package and Basic Compiler from Ack Data. |
Playing ball - Ian Hall More... |
 | Ian rolls out the Marconi RB2 Tracker Ball. |
Expansion boards - Chris Drage |
 | Chris compares six ways to extend your micro. |
Program update |
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Competition |
 | Win a copy of Sleuth. |
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Acorn User software |
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Beeb Forum |
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Acorn Abuser's Diary |
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