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Issue 126 : January 1993

Issue 126 cover

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Graphics Column
Comms Column
What to look out for at this year's showcase for educational technology.
Crystal Clear
Sherston's Crystal Rain Forest teaches about programming and the environment.
Software Pirates
A visit to Great Yarmouth's Treasure World, the only museum run by Acorn micros.
Next Month
In Brief
Concise reviews of SoundTracker, Wordz, Bookmaker and more.
Impressionist Painting
Impression isn't just a DTP package; you can use it to design slides too.
Running new Riscs
If you've just got into RISC OS 3 read this and learn how to use its power.
More Than A Shade Better
How two new colour cards can completely transform your machine.
Programming Section
Scroll Your Own
Professional games programming made easy.
Now you can get all the best programs from *INFO on a two-disc set.
Programs galore: Julia sets; sprite transforms, Jan Vibe; Find the Mine and more.
A Stitch In Real Time
Want to see your machine look like a real knit? Just design your clothes online.
Assembly Line
How To Subscribe
Reader Ads
All the best Acorn bargains.
Altered Images
Is Palette Studio's Imagery the art package with the most?
Files Of Fax
A look at Fax Pack, the fax card that's also an answering machine.
Absolute Beginner
BAU's free ads editor reveals her innermost fears and perplexities.
Game Show
The latest in computer entertainment; Aldebaran and Black Angel reviewed.
Questions And Answers
The answers to all those troublesome queries.

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