Editorial |
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News |
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BBC update - David Allen |
 | All about the new series. |
Simple Machine Code - John Ferguson and Tony Shaw |
 | JF & TS lead the way. |
Beeb forum - Ian Birnbaum |
 | IB tackles programming problems. |
Trek III - Tim Heaton |
 | Star wars. |
Schools - Robin Norman |
 | Fishy graphics. |
Graphics recipes - Jane Whitwell |
 | Windows. |
Multiple program storage - Michael Murray |
 | MM has it taped. |
Hints and tips - Joe Telford |
 | JT speeds up graphics and moves on to games. |
Printing on an Epson - George Hill |
 | A seven-tone dump. |
User group news |
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Atom graphics - Paul Beverley |
 | Manipulation with machine code. |
Text Manipulation - Peter Thompson |
 | PT is in control. |
Dumb terminal program - Paul Beverley |
 | Beeb hints. |
Fireworks - Joe Telford |
 | JT lights the way. |
Concurrent picture storage - Peter Goode |
 | PG runs the show. |
Letters |
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Subscription offer |
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Win a BBC micro - Simon Dally |
 | SD sets the quiz. |
Acorn dealer list |
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Readers' tips |
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Family favourites - Ronnie Rowsell |
 | RR isn't a micro. |
The site and all its contents copyright Acorn Publisher.