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Issue 3 : October 1982

Issue 3 cover

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BBC confessions - Dave Allen
Epson and Seikosha printing - George Hill and Andrew Cryer
Micros go international - John Coll
Acorn explains how to dial the world.
String handling - Ian Birnbaum
IB unravels the subject for the uninitiated.
Voice synthesis in ROM
Speak to me computer.
Hints and Tips - Joe Telford
JT puts a seal in envelopes and goes into graphics.
Cheap Atom printing - Matthew Bates
MB hooks up to a ZX printer.
Atom RGB graphics - Paul Beverley
PB's circuits solve the colour problem.
War of nerves - Laurence van Someren
LvS uses computers to help spastics.
Competition - Simon Dally
SD turns criminal to test your graphics skills.
Four for consideration.
Dealer list
User groups
Waiting for micro - Ronnie Rowsell
RR a computer widow.

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