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Issue 160 : October 1995

Issue 160 cover

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Acorn's MD resigns.
Studio 24 approaches its relaunch.
A new BBS in Manchester.
Practical advice on page design.
PickaPic and the demo Blu reviewed.
How to print good labels.
Thoughts on the new dealer initiative.
SEMERC's Front End under scrutiny.
Cover disc
Essential help for C programmers and the ultimate Desktop utility.
Thoughts on Acorn's strategy.
Game show
An interview with Tom Cooper, author of Hamsters and Ixion.
Free ads
They're back, more full of bargains than ever.
Subscribers' page
Reap the benefits of subscribing.
The Moxon interview
Walter Briggs, master of the air brush, tells all.
The right direction
Nick Craig-Woods explains how to use this something-for-everyone package.
Questions and answers
Hints, tips and useful advice.
C for yourself
Why no one should be scared of recursion.
Absolute beginners
How to access your disc drive.
Run the RISC
Mike Cook shows how to interface a joystick to your machine.
Customer hotline
RISC OS 3.6 and ATAPI - the official story.
Our famous section that refuses to take itself to seriously.
Escher's delight
Dial Solutions' tessellation package VersaTile reviewed.
Turbocharging the network
Hints and tips for improving your network's performance.
Physics tutorial
Learning Physics with this package from Kinetic Computing.
Make your own maps
Converting OS data to Draw files with Map Importer.
Time for celebration
Celebration from Clares under review.
Compo compromise?
Clares ground-breaking graphics package composition is examined.
The next phase
If you win the lottery, this is the printer to buy.
A new class of machine
How does the A7000 fit into Acorn's educational package?
Games review
Fire and Ice - the best platform game ever?
Caught in the net
Welcome to the Acorn User World Wide Web site.
Reader offer
Join the Internet in our exclusive cut price offer.
Agents of change
How will Acorn's plans for selling to education affect you?
Acorn's World of technology
Find out why the Acorn World show is one event you'll really regret missing.
Club corner
Meet the Suffolk Acorn RISC club.

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