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Issue 128 : March 1993

Issue 128 cover

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Graphics Column
All the latest on interactive computer graphics, plus your prize-winning pic.
Comms Column
Your line in to all the latest news from the communications world.
Education Column
In the aftermath of the BETT show, we look at the latest classroom products.
Making Space
Give your graphics that deep-space look.
Journey Into S-Base
A walk around S-Base, the Arc's first truly programmable database.
Next Month
Free Ads
Cosmic Conundrums
How Acorn machines are helping Jodrell Bank investigate the Big Bang.
Programming Section
Keep Watching The Skies
SkyWatcher, BAU's interactive starmap, is a must for amateur astronomers.
Heavy Matters
The Arc simulates the first fundamental force; gravity.
Simulating lifeforms, computerised bell ringing, sprite plotting and more.
Space Evaders
The latest installment in our game design series gets your sprites moving.
Assembly Line
Efficient screen scrolling in Arm code.
How To Subscribe
Get the BAU free disc every month; take out a subscription.
Techno Techie
More modern music making; never mind mips, get into beats per minute.
In Brief
Short reviews of Imagine, Chatter, Noot and the latest Spark and Squirrel.
Flying Colours
Colour printing is becoming easier. We look at a selection of machines.
Absolute Beginners
Get your machine to start up just the way you like it.
Game Show
How to 'cheat' with Games Wizard, and the latest news on space games.
Questions And Answers
The answers to all those troublesome queries.
Your chance to have your say.

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