Micro movies - Joe Faith |
| Take a stick man and make him do acrobatics with this dynamic piece of programming. And there are three modems for the best cartoons from readers. |
Capital routines - Peter Gaunt |
| Peter checks your typing to make sure it's capitals or lower case, depending on how you like it. |
Multiple modes - Tristram Mabbs |
| Four modes on the screen at the same time with some nifty changes to his ideas from last month. |
Add your own functions - Patrick Quick |
| Patrick gives you a way to add extra commands to the Basic language on your BBC or Electron. |
Sound compiler - Graham Jones |
| Ply tunes from machine code. |
Measuring voltages - Paul Beverley |
| Paul puts the analogue port to good use. |
Hints and Tips - Martin Phillips |
| Basic 1 and Basic 2, coping with the Break key and a teletext chart. |
First Byte - Tessie Revivis |
| Loops are one of the fundamental concepts in computing, so Tessie sets you on the right track. |
Atom Forum - Mike Barwise |
| Magicians playing around with Atoms! Just one of the topics Mike covers, along with printers and discs. |
Logo: the big four - Joe Telford |
| The BBC, Logotron, Acornsoft and LSL all have versions of this much-vaunted language on ROM. Joe gives and in depth assessment of each one for school and home. |
Alternative keyboards - Chris Drage |
| A typewriter keyboard is often a barrier to youg children using a micro. Chris investigates three devices aimed at overcoming this problem. |
Educational software |
| Five packages covering everything from setting menus for meals through waves in physics to games of deduction. |
Magic Mushrooms |
| Build your own platform games to swap with friends. |
Books |
| Using discs and two starters for Basic. |
Hard disc system |
| 10Mb of storage from GSL is let loose in a school. |
Games reviews |
| Robotron, Maze and Manic Miner. |
Speech synthesis |
| Cheetah's Sweet Talker speaks three languages cheaply. |
News |
| Hackers could face big fines, the 1985 Acorn User Show, Electron DFS, computer camps and the latest hardware, Ocean adventure game editor. |
Noticeboard and Blunderbox |
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Hints and Tips |
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First Byte |
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Letters |
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Central Processing |
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Dear Kitty |
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Joe's Jottings on Logo |
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Competition: 6502 and Plus 3 up for grabs |
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Back issues |
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Acorn user software |
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Subscriptions |
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Bar Code Reader offer |
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Beeb Forum |
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Atom Forum |
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Business News |
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Education News |
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Top 20 chart |
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User Groups |
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Free adverts |
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Acorn Abuser's Diary |
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Software guide |
| If you're after programs for school or home, here's the information on where to go - 800 titles covered and classified with addresses. |
Logo software |
| Joe Telford checks up on four versions of this language on a chip. |
Valiant Turtle offer |
| Save up to £70 on and infra red turtle and Logo language software. |
Improving MemoPlan on the Z80 - Edward Brown |
| Extra features are available on this wordprocesser - if you know how to find them. |
CP/M Corner - Edward Brown and Richard Clement |
| A new column giving ideas for using the Z80 and answering questions. |
Quickcalc spreadsheet |
| Beebugsoft's offering put to the test. |
Ledger and stock control software |
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The site and all its contents copyright Acorn Publisher.