Hints and Tips - Martin Phillips |
 | How do I write a database? is the big question tackled by Martin, plus ideas on identifying whether a user has tape or disc in action and saving screen graphics to tape or disc. |
First Byte: Electron add-ons - Tessie Revivis |
 | Six ways to add extra facilities to your electron are examined. They range in price from £20 to £60, so read this before you buy. |
Painting on the box - Rob Fenton |
 | Drawing and colouring in pictures is exactly what this program from Rob will do - and there is even an airbrushing option. |
Easy interfacing - Paul Beverley |
 | Paul on the analogue port and how to use it. |
Graphics for children |
 | A superb program for young children to play with that imitates some of the techniques of the Logo programming language designed for schools. And it teaches you all about functions and procedures. |
Noticeboard |
 | Look out for mistakes from past issues here, and find out where to go for help and information. |
Basicode conversion |
 | if you've tuned into the recent broadcasts of Radio 4's Chip Shop, you will know the BBC is distributing software using this subset of Basic. We show you how to run it on the Atom. |
Write a simple database - Martin Phillips |
 | Martin shows you how and develops five versions, each better than the last. |
Random access files |
 | Disc users will be particularly interested in Joe's Jottings on how to exploit the power of this programming technique. |
Z80 secrets - Robin Newman |
 | Four programs by Robin help you yo make the most of Acorn's Z80 second processor, and understand how it works. |
Take three spreadsheets - Roger Carus |
 | Ultracalc, Viewsheet and Vu-Calc cost £80, £60 and £15 respectively. Roger decides which he thinks is best and helps you make a decision on which to buy. |
Education news |
 | The fate of the MEP, the Domesday Project and the Times network for schools are just some of the topics covered. |
Turtle graphics from Logo - Malcolm Banthorpe |
 | Logo is the buzzword in education at the moment. Malcolm takes one aspect of the language, graphics, and shows you what can be done on the BBC and Electron micros. |
News |
 | What's happening at Prestel, MEP back Bar Code Reader project, Wordwise Plus, Elite the blockbuster and a free show for teachers. |
Noticeboard |
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Letters |
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Dear Kitty |
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Silver Reed printer competition |
 | Two printers are up for grabs this month, each worth £250. |
Beeb Forum |
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Top 20 Software chart |
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Acorn Abuser's Diary |
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Bar Code Reader offer |
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Back issues |
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Acorn User software |
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Free adverts |
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£10 adverts |
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Painting wi9th Paintbox |
 | Colour and drawing on the BBC and Electron. |
Graphics for business - Peter Sandford |
 | The second part of Peter's article on how to use colour in your programs. |
Joe's Jottings - Joe Telford |
 | Random access files on disc is the issue Joe takes up, with a chunk from his new book. |
Turtle graphics - Malcolm Banthorpe |
 | Malcolm entertains and educates. |
Using the analogue port - Paul Beverley |
 | Paul explains it's strengths. |
Beef up your Electron |
 | First Byte takes a look at six devices competing for your money all of which add extra interfaces to your micro. |
Spreadsheets for business |
 | Three ways to improve the way micros can handle figures. |
Modems for communications - Jeff Ashurst |
 | To talk to other micros, dial up Prestel or send electronic mail you need a modem, so our communications expert puts six devices through their paces. |
Software and games |
 | 3D Grand Prix from Software Invasion, the Osprey! educational package from Bourne, Microgo from Edge, MRM's Nigthmare Maze and the Fantasia Diamond adventure. |
Printers |
 | Printers from Seikosha and Smith-Corona are tested. |
Benchtests for printers |
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The site and all its contents copyright Acorn Publisher.