First Byte - Tessie Revivis |
 | Opens text and graphics windows for you in her follow up to last month's drawing program. |
Hints and Tips - Martin Phillips |
 | Full control codes for Epsons, improving your micro's memory, using the Command Line Interpreter, how to fit headphones and the use of STOP are the subjects up for discussion. |
Letters |
 | Software piracy; is the quality of cassettes up to scratch?; the on/off debate is on again; and advice on taping data are among the topics you put pen to paper about. |
Dear Kitty |
 | Kitty finds space to fill in a reader about the 'No Room' message and suggests how to order your priorities when purchasing peripherals. |
Domesday 1986 |
 | To mark the 900th anniversary of the Domesday Book the BBC is launching a massive project to produce a modern day equivalent on video disc - with the help of BBC micros in schools. |
Barcode Breakout |
 | You could be up for parole on the sentence of typing in listings as barcodes escape from the confines of supermarkets and libraries into home usage. |
Joe's Jottings - Joe Telford |
 | While away those long winter nights with jiving Joe's Christmas project to organise your Beeb with a low-cost keyboard. |
Bumper Dumper |
 | 'I found dumping games' screens impossible' says a frustrated reader... until he discovered George Hill's programs. |
Speeding up - Paul Beverley |
 | Try Paul's quick steps to a faster micro. |
DIY database - Mike Ryer |
 | Mike's comprehensive database management program could revolutionise your business activities. |
Database comparison - Vincent Fojut |
 | Vincent puts six commercial packages through their paces to help you decide which is the best for your needs. |
News round-up |
 | Videos, Quinkeys, computer 'junkies' and 'authoring' software are under discussion this month. |
Science quiz |
 | Fifteen Science Topics packs to be won. |
Exploratory programs - Nick Evans |
 | Nick maps out his views on Dudley Program's suite of software on the exploration theme. |
Build a ROM pager - Alan Knowles |
 | Alan shows you how to construct a ROM pager for your Atom. |
Atom Forum - Barry Pickles |
 | More Atomic topics from Barry Pickles. |
Competition |
 | Atoms only! Write a winning graphics demonstration and choose your prize. |
Logo for the Beeb - Nick Evans |
 | Nick reports on Acornsoft's implementation of the language. |
Acornsoft's Pascal - Simon Williams |
 | The first major compiled language for general use is reviewed. |
Games of the year - Jonathan Griffiths and Peter Killworth |
 | Jonathan rates the 18 Arcade games that scored a hit in 1984 and Peter picks the best adventures. |
Games |
 | Abyss by Case Computer Simulations; Birdie Barrage by Computersolve; Battle Planet by ISP Marketing; One Last Game and Mayday from Clemoes Software; Micro Power's Blockbuster and Rubble Trouble; UBIK Software's Paranoid Pete and Brainstorm by Virgin. |
Lightpens illuminated - Chris Drage |
 | Chris opens his two part review by casting some light on four models. |
New books |
 | |
The News |
 | Micronet's 'almighty row', interactive video, musics synthesiser, 32016 second processor release all make headlines - plus Chris Curry's involvement in the Brighton bombing. |
Noticeboard |
 | Events which affect readers on TV, radio, film and paper. We tell you what not to miss. |
Competition |
 | Five barcode readers to be won. Plus the lucky August winners. |
Beeb Forum |
 | Help for readers by readers. |
Top 20 Software |
 | Elite - straight to the top. |
Acorn Abuser's Diary |
 | GOTO the Acornpoly board. |
The site and all its contents copyright Acorn Publisher.