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Issue 261 : July 2003

Issue 261 cover

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The latest news from the world of RISC OS and power computing.
Graphics - Nigel Gatherer
Find out how you can brainstorm with yourself to get better designs.
Getting it together with a PC and a RISC OS computer, this is what you do.
Web Marketing
Branding is an important exercise but how can it apply to your Web site?
S-Base may be clever but it's not the only database on the block we take a look at the new Datapower.
Shaddupya Risc PC
Is your computer to noisy make it just shut up with these interesting extras.
Have your web pages served on a plate with a little PHP on the side, delicious.
Spread the word you can have access to files on a million other computers.
What's out there that you can connect to your Castle USB port?
Free Ads
Get what you need at a cheaper price.
Education News
All the latest news about the RISC OS and the education market.
Find out what others think about the most important RISC OS issues.
Make sure you don't miss out on the next few issues of Acorn User.

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