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Issue 247 : June 2002

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The latest news from the world of RISC OS and power computing.
Comms - David Dade
Find out the latest in the world of RISC OS comms.
In need of that special graphic? Find out where on the Web you can get it.
Going mobile
Roy Heslop of Riscstation answers your questions on what the portable is really capable of.
S-Base - Steve Turnbull
A detailed investigation of how to make the most of this amazing programming package.
What can Pace bring us on through the media of set top boxes?
Set-top boxes
Consider what a set-top box actually needs to be - does RISC OS really match the challenge?
Stay up to date with Acorn User.
Font Sets
Discover how to select the very best fonts without needing to collect them all.
EFF Competition
Your chance to win a host of fonts from the very best typographic selection.
Dr Wimp investigates
If you can program in BASIC but have feared to explore the Wimp, the Doctor provides the medicine you need.
Whose desktop is it this month?
Education News
The Commonwealth Games are looming closer. What resources are available for the overworked teacher?
Education Review
Softease have done it again with the Branching Database the newest addition to the family.
Free Ads
Find out what you can get for very little.
Find out what others think about the most important RISC OS issues.

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