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 | Totally FREE, a games demo spectacular - Lemmings and Chocks Away. |
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*Info |
 | Our regular column of essential hints and tips for your eight and 32-bit micro. |
Games Children Play |
 | Far from being a distraction, classroom computer games can aid learning. |
The A To Z Of Fonts |
 | Baffled by DTP jargon? Try our guide to the field of fonts. |
Stepping Up |
 | Become and expert at using Acorn's DTP package. |
Pieces Of Eight |
 | Pythagorean trees, one-dimensional Life and more. |
Menu Editor |
 | Writing your own 32-bit application isn't hard. |
Yellow Pages |
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The Small Print |
 | We review the latest line-up of portable printers. |
Free 32 Page Games Supplement |
 | For fun and games galore, turn to our bumper supplement. |
Screen Test |
 | Teaching TV maths - with the help of an Archimedes. |
Font Fitting |
 | More tips on how to get the most our of your font manager. |
Rayers Of The Fast Arc |
 | Was ray tracing package Render Bender 2 worth the wait? |
Christmas Cracker |
 | ESM's popular Desktop Folio package is being customised for Christmas. |
PC Of Cake |
 | More PC power with the latest version of Acorn's emulator. |
Game Preview |
 | We look ahead to some of the gaming goodies, coming soon. |
Game Show |
 | This month's entertainments examined in depth. |
Puzzle Page |
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